<aside> <img src="notion://custom_emoji/af91ecba-79fd-48c4-8d3a-9cffddb78a59/19a925b8-44da-80b4-806f-007a5a2d717d" alt="notion://custom_emoji/af91ecba-79fd-48c4-8d3a-9cffddb78a59/19a925b8-44da-80b4-806f-007a5a2d717d" width="40px" />
While in art class with Chris, we were given a culminating project to do and Chris and I decided to make a collaborative piece based on Michelangelo’s The Creation of Adam. It was decided that Chris will do the portion of Adam while I did the portion of God.
I had no idea what do at first. Originally, I wanted to cut out the outline of God and the angels that were elevated by wires, however, an idea struck me where instead of elevating them, I should have them slightly pop-out from the canvas on top of the red cloth and instead of God and the angels painted, it will be glued with the first verses of the Bible: Genesis.
It took around a week to finish, but combining with Chris’ piece, it made an amazing work of art.